Could You Still Be Using a 120-Year-Old Selling Model? Find Out Here.
You might not believe me at first, but…
The sales model you are probably using right now was originally invented in 1898.
Yes, in 1898.
I.e. more than 120 years ago. Just like this family in their brand new Decauville Voiturette from 1898.
A family in a Decauville Voiturette in 1898
Don't believe me? Check out what Wikipedia says about it.
Granted, the sales model has been refined since then. But still, a lot has happened in 120 years.
Heck, a lot has happened in the last two years alone.
Buyers have changed, but sellers have not.
Buyers still love buying. But they now really hate being pitched at. Instead, they now want Sellers to be Buyer-Focused.
So, what can you do about it?
You have the best possible opportunity to update your Sales right now.
It’s like a new beginning. Just add a modern, effective, scalable and proven selling model to give yourself a great chance at renewed sales success.
If you don't upgrade your Sales now it's like sticking with your Ford Model T, instead of upgrading to a brand new Tesla.
It is time for your Modern Sales upgrade now.
So, where do you start?
How about start by assessing your current model first?
And get an instant personal report on where you are at right now.
Start by clicking on the image below.
You're now on your way to "Sell Smarter, Not Harder." It's our motto.
Here's to your Modern Selling success!
Peter Strohkorb