Peter Strohkorb Sales Advisory

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What Modern Buyers Now Want From Sellers: Do You Have It?

True to form, let me start with a point of view:

Modern Buyers Want Sellers To Have A Point Of View.

Why is that?

Because, unless sellers have something new to say, buyers are just not interested.

Why should they be?

I mean, would you like to listen to someone droning on about themselves and about whatever it is they are selling?

Buyers have had enough of sellers who lead with what they're selling.

That's why Modern Sellers engage their Prospects with a point of view.

They lead with something intriguing, or perhaps even seemingly controversial, that hooks their prospects and makes them want to know more. More about what you're selling and about what's in it for them (obviously, that last bit is important 😀).

In other words:

Successful sellers make themselves valuable to their buyers.

Successful sellers lead with a point of view that helps their prospects and customers to:

Achieve their objectives, KPIs and goals by making them aware of a business opportunity they may otherwise have missed out on


Avoid making mistakes by pointing out a risk they may not know they're exposed to

First remember: Don't lead your prospect engagements with what you're selling.

Next think: What insights could you use to intrigue and alert your prospects?

What can you use to turn your knowledge into opportunities for both you and for your prospects?

What is bleedingly obvious to you that your prospects may not know?

What is a mistake that your prospects could potentially make if you didn't warn them?

What can you leverage to make yourself valuable to your prospects?

Need some inspiration?

My Sales Modernization Programs have helped many business executives like you to answer these questions. Because self-awareness leads to success, they all started with a quick and free self-assessment.

You can take advantage of it, too:

It will only take you a few minutes. But, at the very least, it will give you a fresh perspective on how you can better engage your prospects and "Sell Smarter, Not Harder." (that's our motto).

Contact me if you'd like to to explore your specific modern selling situation, your opportunities or your challenges in a complimentary call.

Here's to your sales success!

Peter Strohkorb