Peter Strohkorb Sales Advisory

Highly Effective Sales Advice for Mid-Market Tech and Services Businesses
in Australia | USA | Online

“Your Sales Growth. Co-Created.” Since 2011.

Our Buyer-Focused Promise To You:

You’ll receive Premium-Quality Sales Advice,
At Unmatched Value.

We Guarantee It.

Yes: It’s Time To Upgrade Your Sales.

“We implemented Peter’s Buyer-Focused Selling System with great success
and just broke a new sales cycle record: From 2 months, to just 2 weeks!”

- Simon Washington, CEO, AMAG USA, Australia, NZ

7 Good Reasons To Upgrade Your Sales Now.

You Want Your Sales Upgrade To Be…

  1. Proven, so you know it’ll work

  2. Easy, without disrupting Your Pipeline

  3. Fast to implement

  4. Scalable to support your ongoing Growth

  5. Low Risk & High Return

  6. Affordable, instead of cheap

  7. Guaranteed to Work

Are You Ready For A Call?

“After just one week of guidance from Peter, we got a big new contract over the line.
A few weeks later, we doubled our revenue!
I didn't expect to realise the ROI of his program so quickly.“

- Shivendra Kumar, Founder & CEO, Shivendra & Co, Australia

Now Choose Your Next Move: