Modern Buyers Want Sellers To Lead With Useful Insight. What’s Yours…?


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What Is It About Having A Point Of View?

In keeping with this article’s title it’s only appropriate that I start with a point of view:

Modern Buyers Want Sellers To Have A Point Of View.
And they want you to lead your the sales conversation with it.

Why is that?

Because, unless sellers have something interesting, relevant and important to say, modern buyers are just not interested in what you have to say. I mean, why should they be?

Do you really think modern buyers enjoy listening to reps droning on about how great their business, and whatever they are selling, are?

Buyers have had enough of sellers who lead their conversations with whatever it is they're selling.

That's why modern sellers engage their prospects with a valid point of view, a surprising insight, or a fresh perspective.

It simply feels less salesy to both the buyer and the seller. It also feels far less intrusive than any of the standard age-old product-focused sales approaches.

Modern Sellers lead with something intriguing, or perhaps even with something seemingly controversial, that hooks their prospects’ attention.

Make your prospects literally lean forward, begging to know more.

That's when the magic happens.

When buyers (often inadvertently) give sellers the permission to sell to them. That's the only point where sellers have earned the right to sell.

At that point, sellers can talk about what they're selling and about all the benefits for the buyer.

In other words: Intrigue your buyers.

Modern sellers make themselves valuable to their Buyers.

Successful sellers lead with a point of view that helps their prospects to…

  • Achieve their objectives (perhaps by making them aware of a business opportunity they may otherwise have missed out on)


  • Avoid making mistakes (definitely by warning buyers of risks they may not be aware they're exposed to)

Important: Don't lead your prospect engagements with what you're selling.


What Insights Could YOU Use To Make Your Prospects Lean Forward?

Ask yourself…

  • What can you use to turn your knowledge into opportunities for both you and for your prospects?

  • What is something that is bleedingly obvious to you but that your prospects may not yet know?

  • What is a mistake that your prospects could potentially make, if you didn't warn them?

  • What can you leverage to make yourself more valuable to your prospects?


Your Now Have 3 Options To Go From Here…

Learn how to open effectively and to build rapport, even trust,
right from your first point of contact with a new prospect!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Peter Strohkorb

PS: Many of my clients have been where you are now. Take a look at what they experienced…

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb has walked in your shoes. He knows what it’s like to be in your situation.

Starting as a quota-carrying sales rep, Peter earned his stripes during a 25 year career in corporate sales and marketing executive experience. He generated record-breaking revenue results for multinational corporations and for small and medium businesses alike.

In 2011, he started Peter Strohkorb Advisory to help SME and mid-market Business Leaders get ahead.

Since then, he has advised many Tech and B2B Services Businesses in the US and in ANZ on modern selling and is now a sought-after sales expert.

Growing Your Existing Accounts: Meet The "Land And Expand" Strategy.


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