The Top Sales Process That Works Fast.

Peter strohkorb sales advisory

As people working in sales, we know that the methodologies and lead gen techniques that have worked so well up until just a few years ago, aren’t working as well anymore. We have all seen a significant shift in buyer attitude lately around the buying process. 

You could sum it up this way:

Modern b2b buyers still love to buy.
But they now really hate being pitched at and sold to.

Actually, let me rephrase that: 

Buyers have never liked being sold to.

The reason this sentiment is now truly alive and well is that the pandemic has heightened buyers' sensitivities:

They are no longer putting up with unsolicited sales pitches.

It's our own fault.

For better or worse, our mar-tech stack has made it super-easy to reach out to just about anyone in huge volumes. Millions of marketers and sellers are doing just that to millions of prospects every day now.

But is that the right thing to do?

Think about it:

Do you enjoy being spammed with irrelevant emails?
Bombarded with random cold calls?
Do you like being lured into accepting someone’s LinkedIn invitation only to be hit up with a sales pitch? 

Do you enjoy being pitch slapped? 

Right. Neither do your customers. 

Peter strohkorb sales advisory

That is why buyers are responding to unsolicited sales pitches with their “delete,” “disconnect” and “unfollow” buttons in droves. Reaching them and ENGAGING them in a meaningful way has become super difficult.

Tons of reps everywhere are now struggling to hit their quotas. 

So, take heart!

You are not alone in facing this challenge and in trying to find a new way to increase sales and revenue. 

So, What Do Buyers Want These Days? 

Modern buyers want sellers to understand their business opportunities, their risks and their challenges. They want to be educated, guided, and advised in ways that help them make INFORMED buying decisions. 

You simply cannot meet these new needs at scale with the spammy outreach strategies of the past. That numbers battle has been fought and lost a long time ago. 

Isn’t it time that we, as sellers, wake up to this new reality, and set a new plan of attack? 

One thing is for sure:
Sellers can’t just keep doing the same thing
 and expect different results.

Successful sellers are adjusting their sales engagement approach to account for these new buyer demands. 

But, to keep up requires a mindset shift. 

The New Mindset: How to Increase Sales Engagement and Revenue. Right Now. 

As sellers, we need to engage our ideal prospects and customers with a purpose, not with a pitch. 

How? By modernizing the sales process to align it with modern buyers. 

Shift your sales focus from WHAT you want to sell and how YOU want to sell it... 

To what your BUYERS want and how THEY want to buy now. 

There is a logical sequence to winning new buyers and closing more deals: 

  1. Understand WHO your ideal prospects and buyers are 

  2. Identify WHERE you can find them 

  3. Know how to reach out and – crucially – ENGAGE your buyers 

  4. Draw them into a meaningful business conversation with a Lean-Forward Moment 

  5. Learn how to beat out your competitors 

  6. Understand how to win the deal 

  7. Know how to turn your buyers into repeat customers 

  8. And, finally, turn your repeat customers into advocates for your business who refer new customers to you 

This sequence is the modern, Buyer-Focused Sales Process that will enable you and your reps to hit the ground running through this changing marketplace AND give your customers a 5-star buying experience. 

If your current sales funnel is not giving you the outcomes you need,

Or, click the image below to discover your solutions:

Feel free to like and share this article with your contacts. 

Here’s to your selling success!

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb has walked in your shoes. He knows what it’s like to be in your situation.

Starting as a quota-carrying sales rep, Peter earned his stripes during a 25 year career in corporate sales and marketing executive experience. He generated record-breaking revenue results for multinational corporations and for small and medium businesses alike.

In 2011, he started Peter Strohkorb Advisory to help SME and mid-market Business Leaders get ahead.

Since then, he has advised many Tech and B2B Services Businesses in the US and in ANZ on modern selling and is now a sought-after sales expert.

Your Buyers Decide in just 10 Seconds Whether You’re Worth their Time.


Accelerate Your Sales With The #1 Sales Process Today.