WeWe Syndrome: How Not To Sabotage Your Own Sales.

Peter Strohkorb Advisory

Could you be Sabotaging your own Sales?

Could you be suffering from We We Syndrome, without knowing it?

Without knowing it?

Could you be (inadvertently) turning your prospects off?

Find out. Do this quick test:

  1. Browse to your business' website.

  2. Click on the "ABOUT US" tab.

  3. Look at the first sentence in each paragraph.

Does it contain any of the following mood kill words:

“We”, “Our”, or your Business Name ?

If you answered "Yes", you are actively killing sales. You are suffering from WeWe Syndrome and you are turning your prospects off!

Why? What’s The Problem Here?

Think about it as this analogy:

You’re at a dinner party sitting next to someone who only talks about themselves, how great they are, how successful they are and how everyone is lucky to know them.

What would you think to yourself?

Right: You’d think of them as boring and selfish.

The simple truth is that your prospects are not interested in what you do, how big your business is, or how fantastic you think your products, services or solutions are.

What they FIRST want to know is this:


They are keen to find out “what’s in it for them”.

Yes, the good old WIIFM.

So, What’s Can You Do Instead?

By talking about yourself, you are making the prospect do the work of translating what it is that you do, into what it means to them.

Why not make it easy for your prospects and make that translation for them?

Here’s How.

Instead of starting out with “We”, try opening your prospect engagement with this:

Our customers…”

Here are some examples:

“Our customers love that …”

“Our customers learn to …”

“Our customers tell us that we…”

Now Try It For Your Business!

Use this formula:

“Our customers tell us that they (insert your value proposition here).”

How did you go?

Do This Next:

Schedule a free Information Call with a Buyer-Focused Selling Specialist.
In the call, get some free advice on how you can become more effective at your prospect engagement.

Go ahead, book your call now.

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb has walked in your shoes. He knows what it’s like to be in your situation.

Starting as a quota-carrying sales rep, Peter earned his stripes during a 25 year career in corporate sales and marketing executive experience. He generated record-breaking revenue results for multinational corporations and for small and medium businesses alike.

In 2011, he started Peter Strohkorb Advisory to help SME and mid-market Business Leaders get ahead.

Since then, he has advised many Tech and B2B Services Businesses in the US and in ANZ on modern selling and is now a sought-after sales expert.




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