Why Opening Is The New Closing.

Opening a car door, a metaphor for opening a new sales opportunity


Why Read This Article?

Because it will show you…

  1. That you don’t need cheesy closing techniques at the end of your sales cycle to close a deal.

  2. How, if you open right, the closing will take care of itself.

  3. Why the close will happen as a natural progression of your sales engagement.

    Plus: At the end, it will offer you 3 options to go forward with…

But first, a little background.

How Did It Get To This?

Traditionally in Sales, we have paid more attention to the seemingly more exciting part of selling, namely the closing, than to the comparatively unappealing opening.

Why is that?

Why is closing a sale seemingly more exciting than opening a new one?


Traditionally in Sales, we have paid more attention to the seemingly more exciting part of selling, namely the closing, than to the comparatively unappealing opening.

Why is that?

Why is closing a sale seemingly more exciting than opening a new one?

The reason is simple:

The opening involves a lot of cold outreach, which inevitably comes with a lot of rejection. No one likes being rejected, hence the poor appeal of opening.

On the other hand, it's easy to see the appeal of closing. You are getting to the exciting bit where salespeople can smell the win, the victory, the money.


Buyers have changed their perspective on closing techniques.

They no longer tolerate the usual tricks that salespeople have been relying on to get a buyer to commit to a purchase.

Buyers are now pushing back against salespeople trying to manipulate them into a buying decision. They despise being thought a fool who can be talked into doing something they are not ready for.

So, what has all that to do with opening a sales conversation?


You see, buyers now have done their research on the product or service they are interested in, before they reach out to a seller. At this point, they expect a seller to be a subject matter expert who can HELP THEM make an informed buying decision.

That involves a degree of trust.

The buyer must trust that the seller knows what they are talking about. That they have the interest of the buyer at heart. That they will NOT try to manipulate or trick the buyer.

As we all know, trust cannot be asked for. It needs to be earned.

So, how do you earn your Prospect’s trust in a new sales situation?


You don't sell.

You don't pitch.

You don't push.




You HELP YOUR BUYERS to make an informed buying decision.

You guide your buyers TO BUY FROM YOU!

You need to establish a modicum of trust or, at the very least, create rapport and curiosity, right from the first moment you reach out to a new prospect.

In One Sentence:

If you open right, the closing will take care of itself!

two hands reaching out to each other

Whereas, if you still need to use cheesy closing techniques at the end of your sales cycle, you haven't opened right.

  • You don’t need cheesy closing techniques to close a deal.

  • If you open right, the closing will take care of itself.

  • The close will happen as a natural progression of your sales engagement.


Your 3 Options To Go From Here…

Learn how to open effectively and to build rapport, even trust,
right from your first point of contact with a new prospect!


Contact Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb has walked in your shoes. He knows what it’s like to be in your situation.

Starting as a quota-carrying sales rep, Peter earned his stripes during a 25 year career in corporate sales and marketing executive experience. He generated record-breaking revenue results for multinational corporations and for small and medium businesses alike.

In 2011, he started Peter Strohkorb Advisory to help SME and mid-market Business Leaders get ahead.

Since then, he has advised many Tech and B2B Services Businesses in the US and in ANZ on modern selling and is now a sought-after sales expert.


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